Feeling sad? Remember this:

Fairy Godmother
2 min readJul 13, 2022

It’s okay, feel it.
Embrace it.

I know, there’s probably a part of you telling you that you shouldn’t be sad or that there must be a way to be happy.
But don’t punish yourself for what you’re feeling.

Because, if you think about it, you’re the only person who can be kind to yourself when no one’s there.
You’re the only one who knows exactly how you feel.
You’re the only one who’s going to be with you until the day you die.

So why be harsh?
We’re all going to die one day, and nothing is going to matter.
Why not be kind to ourselves.
And let ourselves be sad at times!

Sometimes, the best way to feel happiness is to embrace sadness first.
The more sadness you embrace, the more value you’ll find in happiness.
If you try to push sadness away, you’ll also lose true happiness.
So I’d say go and be sad sometimes.
Let yourself feel it.
So that you can feel much happier the next day.

Tomorrow, you can pick up the ball and get right back into the game!!

So for today, be kind to yourself.
Just sleep, and then wake up happy once again!!

If you need someone to talk to, feel free to make a comment :)

Photo by Atlas Green on Unsplash



Fairy Godmother

here to sprinkle some magic✨ random blogs on mental health, emotional intelligence, book reviews etc.